The Empty Nest Stretch

Now is the time to come into your full self. It is time to thrive, to enjoy deep friendships, to try new things, to do the things you have always wanted to do. It is time to take care of both your physical and mental health.
And, I believe, it is your time to reach your full potential and be an inspiration to others!
I am here to help you achieve it!

Your relationships are changing.  Your children are making their own decisions... in college, getting married, having their own families.  Your parents need more help. You or your partner may be looking at retirement and perhaps, you are finding this new situation is hard on your marriage. There is a lot to navigate... how do you want to show up? Having a coach to walk this road with you can change everything!

Sustainable Weight Loss
Never say "diet" again... let me help you learn how to eat for the rest of your life. You deserve to feel good!  Learn to eat in a way that satisfies and doesn't leave you feeling like you are missing out.  Research shows that food is medicine and eating whole, healthy foods positively affects weight, brain health, and heart health.

Set Goals: What's next?
For so many years, you have focused on your family and now there is some time for you.  Where are those dreams you have tucked away? Let's pull them out and dust them off! You have more to teach your children, and that is how to THRIVE during this next phase.
Life & Weight Coaching
A Life Coach walks with you on your journey.  They help you figure out what YOU want and they hold you accountable.  Life coaches challenge you with new perspectives and they challenge you to grow. Â
Oh yeah, and they ask you tons of really great questions to help you uncover your potential!

Hi! My name is Adele Hardin. I help women transition to an empty nest, lose weight and navigate life changes during the second half of life.
I am a Certified Life Coach who, alongside my husband of 31 years, has raised four children who have successfully transitioned to being independent adults. I have walked the end-of-life journey with my parents. I know how important health and mental clarity is to being able to thrive. I am a recovering worrier. This next part of our lives can be one of the most beautiful and fulfilling times of our lives, if we only embrace it. It is time to reclaim our lives and to really live!
Let’s walk this journey together.